This Mayan Woman has a Story

This Mayan Woman has a Story
Building a masonry cookstove for this family was a joy. We heard her story and cried.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weather Watching Whodunit

Bags packed and at the ready, standing at attention like eager little soldiers desperate to serve. Actually, they've been packed for a month,packed and unpacked and re-packed. It's been a packing extravaganza since that visit to Value Village when I bought a pair of practically brand spanking new MEC capris fo an astonishingly crazy $8. Those pants, and another Columbia pair, made the unreal seem real. Let's face it, a year ago I couldn't have imagined that I would be a 160lb woman wearing size 10 capris pants in Antigua, Guatemala.

But I am. This is me in my life.

Anne drove me to Marg's and dropped me off, capris-carrying bags and all. The taxi will pick us up at 4:20am and drive us to the airport. At 6am-ish Air Canada will scoot us off to TO. (Please no wild snow until we take off from there at 8:30am!) The plan is to be in Miami mid-afternoon and Guatemala City for dinner.

Marg is my travel mate. She knows things. Things about international travel that I don't know. You know those people who you meet ever so briefly but feel like you've known them for ever and ever? Marg is that person. She has a zest for life. It oozes from her.

Marg's been to Guatemala before. She took a salsa lesson there.

Things I plan to do in Guatemala (To be revised as the mood strikes me...cause I don't know what I don't know, don't ya know!):
-eat a meal with a Guatemalan family
-build a stove
-take a backstrap weaving class
-learn to say at least one full sentance in Spanish that doesn't refer to a toilet or my need for water.
-kibitz with school children.
-see some live music


  1. Been many years sine the J.Erskine look amazing!! Have a great "holiday"!!!

  2. ah the challenges of winter! just think of us digging out while you enjoy the sun and salsa. Have a great trip!
